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Jamie Fritz Biography

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Jamie Fritz is the pen name of a full time social worker that works in various populations such as family services, veterans, homelessness, and domestic violence. She lives in Eastern Virginia, where the weather never is correct. She has her masters in Social Work. 


She is known to write stories that don't fit into just one category, she takes the genres by the horns. She hopes that her writing will shed light into the vulnerable communities that have a special place in her heart. Author of the Grim Wolves MC series and the Treasured Outcasts series. 


She’s still waiting for prince charming but he might have gotten lost or the dragon burned him to a crisp. When she is not immersed in the community and writing, she is attempting to go through her TBR list with her three dogs, surrounded by family. She enjoys a good whiskey and coke, while playing games with her crew, or whatever she puts her mind to.

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